dTOUCH represents a step forward in control systems for drying ovens, as it consists in the union between an advanced and flexible traditional control system with the knowledge of experts at international level in the field of wood drying.
Being based on the LogicaH & S "Kiln-Bus" protocol, dTOUCH is compatible with all the latest series of sensors and actuators produced by LogicaH & S.
The number of probes and their type can be varied as desired to satisfy any control requirement, including also the use of non-conventional sensors or special functions such as sterilization of timber according to ISPM15 regulation.
A great effort has been made to take care of the ease of use of dTOUCH, which can count on a really friendly user interface, based on a color LCD display and touch screen.
Wherever possible, the available functions are identifiable by icons, while the menus are available in numerous languages.
All selectable functions are highlighted by buttons or blue.
With dTOUCH, a touch of the screen is enough to switch from the most complete automatic drying mode to semi-automatic mode, without the need for any programming.